Friday, November 25, 2011

The Prince, the Showgirl and the Third

While it's not "In Time," "Margin Call," or "Crazy, Stupid Love," the new film Hollywood's all abuzz about during Oscar season has audiences cheering. It's not usual for movie goers to stand up and clap after plunking down a ten dollar bill for a matinee.

Michelle Williams' rendition of the late actress Marilyn Monroe during the filming of "The Prince and the Showgirl" lights up the screen while giving us an intimate glimpse into the luminous star's world way back in 1956.

"My Week with Marilyn" is sure to garner awards. Based on then third assistant director Colin Clark's diaries, the film is a rare treat. And Williams, who began her career on Dawson's Creek as Katie Holmes' gal pal, channels Miss Monroe in a way that would make Marilyn proud.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bottling Time

Lately I've asked myself why there's time galore for dishes, laundry and errands, yet no leftovers to accomplish those things I know I'm called to do?

After a brief pause I think I may have the answer: Deadlines.

That's right. You heard it here. Set an end date and watch those projects roll off the plate. Moreover, post your intentions and that commitment goes viral. You're now accountable to someone other than yourself.

Stay tuned ...