Sunday, July 19, 2015

Swamp Princess by Allie Bullock

It's here - the latest version of a literary short story that embellishes the magic of falling in love in Florida. Of course the story of Beauty and the Beast, Phantom of the Opera and other mismatches has been told and retold. Is this about unrequited love? Love at first sight? Impossible odds? or is it merely an account of how unexpected instances lead to life changing experiences? Swamp Princess faces our deepest fears and ends in unfamiliar territory. This tale came to me quite unexpectedly at a weekend workshop. The mediator challenged all of us writers over a Saturday and Sunday to create a story based on our senses related to citrus fruit. Yep. You heard that right! She had a bag of lemons and a bag of oranges sitting on the desk and said to avail ourselves. See what the texture and scent of the fruit of choice brings to the empty page.

The bag of Navels called to me, an echo of past years spent in a developing area of Florida. A place we shared with nature and wildlife. The boys were different in the South than in New York but the rules were the same. Swamp Princess explores these differences and threatens to break cultural barriers that would otherwise keep people at bay.

See for yourself if you don't see something in Bubba and Penelope that you can relate to on some level. And if you do find yourself reading this story please leave a rating on Nook's site and comment. Thank you!!